How Do You Pack And Store Eggs When Camping?

How Do You Pack And Store Eggs When Camping? (Answered)

No matter which camping expert you follow, eggs are recommended as a go-to protein for every camper. Maybe that’s because taking a whole chicken isn’t easy, but eggs are packed with nutrients to create an entire chicken. But what if they break? Apart from losing your eggs, that’s going to make a lot of mess too!

So, how do you pack and store eggs when camping? Is there a fail-safe way?

The best way to pack and store eggs when camping is by pre-cracking them. But that’s good only if you’re camping for a short term. Moreover, cracked eggs must be refrigerated ASAP. Pack uncracked eggs by using bubble wrap or styrofoam for long-term camping trips.

I’ll share how to carry and store eggs, whether you’re going for a short or long trip and how long eggs actually last with and without a fridge. You’ll also discover how to store cooked and uncooked eggs on your camping trip apart from easy ways to detect rotten today.

Let’s get rolling!

What Is the Best Way To Store Eggs When Camping?

The most efficient way to store eggs for camping trips is by breaking them beforehand. Consequently, you can keep them in airtight bottles or zip lock bags. That said, this works when you’re camping for a day or two alone.

For long trips, it’s better to insulate them instead of cracking them.

The following list will guide you on carrying eggs, whether they’re cracked, uncracked, or cooked.

1 – For short term use

First off, decide whether you want to use a food-grade mason jar, heavy-duty ziploc bag, or a safe plastic water bottle like Nalgene to store your eggs. Next, start cracking the eggs you intend to carry and pour them into your choice of container or bag.

Finally, insert the mason jar, ziploc bag, or Nalgene bottle into a wine cooler. Don’t forget to keep the cooler in a shady corner and open it as little as possible. This way, you’ll be able to store your eggs at the ideal temperature at or below 40 °F.

Personally, I’ve found that you need to do a bit of extra work to prevent drawing out the sodium from pre-cracked eggs. Here’s what you should do- fill the empty space in wide-mouth bottles like Nalgene with saltwater.

But if you don’t want to make scrambled eggs for every meal, the trick is to separate the yolk from the whites.

2 – For long term use

When you’re packing for a long trip, it’s better to leave the eggs in their shells as it prevents contamination and spoilage. But, make sure to insulate the eggs individually beforehand.

As Mark from Biker Bits explains, a sure-fire way is to store them in the original carton.

I’ve also realized Marks’ method is great for preventing the eggs from drying out as well.

3 – For cooked eggs

The thing with soft-boiled eggs is you can’t safely store them for a long time. On the contrary, you can store hard-boiled eggs with shells in the egg carton for a week. Just remember not to peel off the shells!

When taking cold dishes like deviled eggs for camping, wrap them up in an insulated bag first. You can then drop the bag in the cooler surrounded by ice packs.

How Long Can Eggs Last While Camping?

Eggs can last anywhere from 2 days to a month while camping, depending on how you store them. You can maximize the lifespan of eggs when backpacking or camping by refrigerating them instead of storing them in wine coolers.

Here’s all you need to know:

  1. Pre-cracked eggs last for 2 to 4 days in the refrigerator. It could last for up to a week if you didn’t open the fridge at all too.
  2. Egg whites last up to four days in the cooler and yolks up to two.
  3. Raw eggs with shells can stay up to five weeks without refrigeration.
  4. Uncracked fresh eggs can stay for four weeks when refrigerated and left unwashed.
  5. Fresh egg yolks and egg whites can last up to a year in the freezer.
  6. On average, store-bought eggs last up to two weeks in the cooler at 4 °Celsius.

As a bonus tip, always get the freshest eggs when you’re going camping. I’ve also discovered you can maximize the lifespan of eggs by placing them inside the fridge instead of the fridge door rack!

Do Eggs Need To Be Refrigerated Camping?

Yes, eggs must be refrigerated if you’re camping for more than a couple of hours. According to Healthline, pre-cracked eggs last for less than 2 hours at room temperature in the U.S.

On the contrary, you can store eggs for a month if you’re getting fresh eggs straight from the chicken before going camping. However, keep in mind this applies only to uncracked and uncooked eggs with shells.

How To Tell If Your Eggs Have Gone Bad At Camping?

The best way to confirm your eggs haven’t expired is by checking their ‘best buy’ date on the carton. Always discard foul-smelling eggs and eggs that are too runny or flat than springy.

But if you want to find out whether the egg is off without cracking it open, a glass of water is all you need. Here’s how to do that:

I’ve also found that cracked store-bought eggs are almost always contaminated unless you did it by accident!

Start Storing Your Eggs Correctly When Camping

Getting a quick meal ready is easy-peasy if you’ve got eggs on your campsite. Just make sure to use pre-cracked eggs within two days and whole eggs within two to three weeks when refrigerated. 

Yet another way to store cracked eggs for long-term use that most people don’t know is by freezing. Here’s what you got to do- get your eggs, crack them, whisk them, and add them to the zip lock bag before freezing them!

But before you go, remember that eggshells are porous. Hence, it would help if you never let it sit in damp places, such as the bottom of the cooler of wine cooler.

Which one of our eggcellent tips did you like?


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